Tuesday, February 4, 2014

GYRO! Winners for Dec 2013/Jan 2014

Get Your Read On! Book Club
The GYRO is a school-wide reading club that allows you to engage your brain and activate your imagination through the world of books.  There are no restrictions on what you can read, how you read (print or digital), or the amount you read.  For every 100 pages you read, you earn one ticket.  Each ticket earned goes into the prize bin.  Bi-monthly and grand prizes are awarded.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Check out a book from the library or find another route to get your hands on a book.

Step 2: Read the book.

Step 3: Fill out the online “GYRO Prove It” form @ http://msdlibrarymedia.blogspot.com > SWMS Library or SBHS Library

Step 4: Start the process again!